
Influence And Impact



Here's How To Become A More Confident, Influential And Impactful Communicator, Speaker And Presenter

Maybe you struggle with “speaking up”, or you dread presenting or speaking in public, or you feel anxiety at networking events, or having to introduce yourself…

Maybe you would love to be able inspire people better when you speak, be able to present in ways so people truly lean in and are captivated by your message, or how about being able to lead a team to accomplish amazing things…

Maybe you want to get a better position in your community or company, make more sales, coach and teach in more impactful ways, negotiate better, and experience how you are able to impact others in even greater ways...

In this 3-hour intensive you'll develop the powerful skills of Influential Communication – the ability to inspire, lead and influence, attract ideal clients/customers, advance your career, boost your business, easily connect with new people, and much, much more.

To advance one's career,  to make sales, negotiate, or be an effective leader, it's vital to be able to inspire and influence.

The same goes for attracting clients, for coaching and teaching, and for attracting valuable personal relationships.

Old school methods of sales, persuasion and leadership that sought to dominate and manipulate by using fear, shame and guilt are a thing of the past – at least my mission is to make them a thing of the past.

Because here we engage in something very different.

What we do here is to influence by empowering others to think, act, and behave in ways that it serves them.

However, this is not easy to do. It is in fact very difficult.

But during this workshop, you will learn and practice advanced, and exceptionally powerful ways of doing this. And it will likely rapidly transform both your business and your personal life.

Watch this video to see reactions to what some have witnessed in live workshops:

Hello, Per here... 😀

It's strange to think back to my days as an awkward teenager who never in my life would stand up in front of the classroom and speak. 

But the truth is that even after becoming an artist, even after moving to Los Angeles,  I found it very difficult to create opportunities, or to “sell myself”, or make important connections.

Today, as you know, I've created the training programs that are used by speakers and singers in 146 countries, and produced my own events and workshops that have sold out in 20 countries.

The Ability To Communicate And Positively Influence Others Changed My Life

Yes, I think what's even more strange is that connecting with people all around the world has become a strength of mine.

Being able to influence in positive ways is something I've actually become really good at.

And perhaps I'm even better at helping others become more influential, and become really impactful communicators and presenters (as you saw in the video above).

And Now YOU Are Going To Become More Confident And Influential When You Communicate

Maybe you speak, or want to speak on stages. Maybe you make videos. Make you make business presentations. Maybe you're in sales or need to negotiate.

The truth is that we all present, "sell", negotiate all the time.

And we all benefit from being able to inspire and influence others - whether you're a coach/teacher, parent, or you're and entrepreneur or team leader.

But here's the problem;  Many think that it's your product that sells. It's not.

It's Not The Product That Sells, It's The Presentation Of The Offer That Sells!

Yes, it is HOW you are able to present a product, a service, an idea, or who you are, that makes all the difference.

When you improve this skill, your income, as well and your confidence and feelings of self-worth, will sky rocket!

In this virtual workshop we will cover powerful skills to, for example:

  • How to introduce to yourself to become interesting to others and make instant connections
  • Overcome fears of rejection, and feelings of not being good enough, and not respected enough.
  • Enhance your value and the value of your products and services!
  • Influence others to think, feel, act and behave for their benefits - without ever needing to manipulate!
  • Use emotional triggers in ethical ways that attract people to what you have to offer!
  • Increase sales, succeed in negotiations, and lead teams more effectively!
  • Use and tell stories with greater emotional impact!
  • Unleash your unique charisma that makes people like and trust you!
  • Be effective and respected when you speak spontaneously - even in situations that were previously intimidating!
  • Release the fears of public speaking!
  • Learn real world applications of voice, body language, and more!

You will learn by practical examples how to improve your presentations and speaking skills.

We will begin at 8 am US Pacific Time


The session will run for 3 hours with a short break in the middle


Early Bird Until Oct 11: 

Only $97!

Register below and get ready for a fun and rewarding virtual workshop!

If you need assistance with your order, email [email protected]
